Maya Shortcuts – Painting Operations

Scorciatoie Autodesk Maya (2010)

Flood with the current value ALT+F
Turn Show Wireframe on/off ALT + A
Turn Color Feedback on/off ALT + C
Toggle Reflection on/off ALT + R
Artisan Paint Operation marking menu U + LMB
Modify upper brush radius B
Modify lower brush radius SHIFT + B
Edit Paint Effects template brush settings CTRL + B
Modify Artisan brush Stamp Depth
Modify Max Displacement [1] M
Modify Value N
Switch to pick colour mode /
Select cluster mode [2]
Open Paint Effects panel 8
Poly Brush Tool marking menu O + LMB
Poly UV Tool marking menu O + MMB

[1] Of Sculpt Surfaces and Sculpt Polygons Tool

[2] Of Paint Weights Tool
